Friday, 30 June 2017

It's a Picnic Time in Lemon Dress

It's a picnic time folks!

Summer weekend is the perfect time for visiting countryside and having a picnic with spectacular view. Picnic is one of my favourite things to do in long summer days. It's a perfect way to spend a quality time with your family or friends sitting on the grass and breathing fresh air, tasting yummy food and drinking light wine.

Picnics are always so fun and relaxing. So, roll your favourite blanket, grab your raffia basket and have a picnic :-)

Last weekend, I've made the super fun picnic with my dear sister Marina (her blogSavrseno, a lako) outside of the city. We served fresh fruits, cold champagne and some delicious pastry. Our main idea was to create retro picnic atmosphere wearing feminine ladylike dresses.

The lemon dress was imposed as a completely logical choice. It's so perfect dress model made of good quality cotton in feminine midi length (it comes from RoseGal and you can find it here).
Lemon print is very trendy and attractive, so you wont regret if you choose some lemon item for this summer.

Enjoy in photos below. I hope I will inspire you :-)

Your Ivana

It's Picnic Time

Dugi letnji vikendi su kao stvoreni za beg od gradske vreve i boravak u prirodi. Iako volim grad i njegovu užurbanost, s vremena na vreme mi jako prija da dan, dva provedem u vikendici u mirnoj seoskoj atmosferi.

Prošla nedelja je bila idealna za organizovanje zabavnog piknika na travi. Sestra i ja smo uživale u odmaranju i degustiranju svežeg voća i mirisnog peciva uz čašu hladnog šampanjca. (posetite njen slatki lifestyle blogovde).
Glavna ideja bila nam je da stvorimo retro piknik atmosferu noseći ženstvene haljine midi dužine, poput dama iz 50-ih godina prošlog veka. Nadam se da smo u tome i uspele :-)

Odlučila sam se za divnu damsku haljinu sa limun printom, vintidž kroja, koja se vezuje oko vrata. Ukoliko vam se dopada, možete je pronaći ovde. Pamučna je i veoma udobna, tako da od mene imate toplu preporuku što se nje tiče. Ostatak kombinacije je sveden, kako bi trendi limun print najbolje došao do izražaja. Tu su retro rupičaste bele sandale sa malom potpeticom, bež naočare, slojevite narukvice i slamnati šešir.

Ostavljam vas da uživate u fotografijama i nadam se da sam vas inspirisala da napravite piknik i iskusite jedan nov i kvalitetan vid vikend zabave.


My dress & Sister's dress

Picnic Necessities

Perfect Day for a Picnic

Lemon dress & Navy Blue Off-the-Shoulder Dress

Feminine Look in Lemon Midi Dress

Relaxing Picnic Time

Reading Under the Clear Sky

Sitting in the Sunshine

Like a Vintage Diva

 Lemon Dress: RoseGal // Sandals: Alpina // Yellow Bag: Cocopat // Straw bag: Oviesse //
Sunnies: Guess // Bracelets: RoseGal // Hat: vintage


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